I originally posted this in the Amazon Alexa Skill Challenge: in-skill purchases, an international competition where Amazon is looking for creative Alexa skills with in-skill purchases.
There were 1,301 people enrolled, who posted 211 alexa skills. My Alexa Skill «Don’t waste food» received 2 awards: Wildcard Finalist (10) and Best Spanish Skill in the US with ISP 🎉🎉
In almost every house food is wasted. Sometimes the food expires without us noticing. Other times we buy food without really knowing the food we already have at home. In addition, we can eat expired food if we are clueless.
The expiration date that appears on the product packaging is not enough if the product has already been opened.
What it does
Therefore, I have developed a skill that the whole family can use to manage foods when they are bought, opened or consumed.
At the time of food purchase, you must indicate the name and expiration date of the food.
At the time the food is opened, the new expiration date of the opened food must be indicated. The skill checks that this new date has to be closer than the initial date.
At the moment a food is consumed or thrown away, we will tell the skill to dispose of the food.
Every time you open the skill, she reminds you only what products will expire today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It also tells you what products have already expired. So you can focus on using the foods that will expire soon and: avoid wasting food and reduce the purchase of food.
The skill can be used for free up to 4 foods. From that moment, the skill suggests the subscription you need to add an unlimited number of foods.
How I built it
I have developed this skill using Alexa in-skill purchase, Alexa Presentation Language, node and dynamodb.
The skill is multilanguage. It supports Spanish and English.
Finally, I use Alexa UpsServiceClient to get Timezone of each user and converts expiration dates of their foods.
I use dynamola as library to access dynamodb table.
Challenges I ran into
It is a skill used from different parts of the world, so I had to know the time zone of each user to convert the purchase dates, opening date and expiration date of the food. For this I used the Alexa API UpsServiceClient.
I have also worked with the momentjs library and with to convert dates into more human words like «today», «tomorrow», «the day after tomorrow». Another important challenge has been to use the correct tense for past, present or future (depending on whether the product has already expired, expires today or will expire in the future).
Accomplishments that I’m proud of
I have learned to use alexa in-skill purchases and all its workflow. I also learned with this skill to correctly consult the timezone of each user and to convert dates correctly.
Technically I am also proud of the result, because it is an easy-to-use skill that answers you briefly and with short useful information at all times.
What I learned
I have learned to use alexa in-skill purchases and all its workflow. I also learned with this skill to correctly consult the timezone of each user and to convert dates correctly.
What’s next for Save food
I want to implement shared information between the members of the family. For example, the father can add milk, the mother can open it and finally the son remove it.
Built With
Alexa SDK, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Dynamola, node, APL (Alexa Presentation Language), ISP, Amazon Web Services.
Una versión preliminar del código fuente (sin micropagos) la publiqué aquí: https://github.com/javichur/alexa-skill-nevera-estado